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16 July 2024

Interview to Enrico Detti, IT Manager

We interviewed Enrico Detti, who told us what it means to be the IT Manager of a company like Inoxa.

  1. What’s an IT manager?  Can you tell us about what your role is and what you do?

    The IT (Information Technology) Manager is a key figure within an organization: he is the one who deals with the management and supervision of technological resources and IT systems. The main areas on which IT activities are focused concern:
    - the modernization of the technological infrastructure, to always keep up with the times;
    - the management of IT security, to guarantee the continuity of the service offered;
    - the development of management software, to ensure that computerization increasingly enters company processes and makes them increasingly fluid and efficient.
  2. Could you tell us how you arrived at Inoxa and your path in the company?

    I have always been involved in IT and data analysis. With these qualifications I began my adventure at Inoxa, as a consultant, in September 2015. Initially I dealt with data management and Business Intelligence, as a support of a person already present in the company.
    This particular task allowed me to immediately enter the heart of the company processes. As time passed, I became familiar with the entire infrastructure and, in agreement with the Management, I took on the role of IT Manager.

  3. What is the biggest challenge in your job?

    The role of IT manager faces a different challenge every day. There is always a need to ensure that what has been achieved keeps working efficiently, but it is also necessary to look to the future and find solutions to new problems and initiatives to ensure that the company is always ready to act when needed whenever new challenges show up.

  4. And what is the greatest satisfaction?

    The greatest satisfaction is seeing colleagues who recognize your skills. It is not always easy to obtain this recognition and, often, it comes from unexpected people. But when it arrives, you fill up with energy to carry on the projects you're working on.

  5. Technical skills and mental flexibility: in your everyday work, how important are technical knowledge, the ability to problem solve and adapt to the situation?

    The ability to adapt is undoubtedly the most important quality. Sometimes you need technical knowledge and experience to solve a problem. Other times, when the problem is more complicated, problem solving skills are needed. Only the ability to adapt makes it possible to use experience or decisiveness in the correct way.

  6. What are the values ​​that guide you in your work and that you share with the company?

    Beyond the technical ones which are essential in work, honesty and respect must never be forgotten. Universal values ​​that must always be a guide in daily working life, as they profoundly contribute to improving efficiency, especially in teamwork, where it is essential that people trust each other.

  7. If you had to describe your work with 3 adjectives which would you choose?

    Determined, efficient, innovative.
    Determined, because we often find ourselves faced with problems that need a solution, or jobs that need to be completed.
    Efficient, because it is useless to solve a problem if the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The risk of being overwhelmed by the result at any cost is precisely that of not evaluating side effects such as costs, inefficiencies, slowdowns, which cause more damage than benefits.
    Innovator, because the work we do must bring innovation. Often those who work in IT work in the future, they see things before others and must be able to understand which of these things can be useful to the business.

  8. IT and the future: what challenges await us?

    The main challenges that await us concern the application of technologies - already consolidated in the market - to existing company procedures. More and more processes will have to be computerized and automated, with the aim of making them more efficient, also in order to have more and more useful information for Management to make informed decisions.
    In particular, for automation it will be important to connect more and more with your customers, so as to simplify the sales cycle and provide a new commercial tool. The introduction of new automations and web tools will make it easier to reach new customers and, above all, to increase the loyalty of existing ones.