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Interview to Francesca Cionna, the Human Resources and Production Control dept
We interviewed Francesca Cionna, who told us what it means to work in the Human Resources and Production Control dept of Inoxa. She is the one who takes care of the people here, both those already working in our company and potential new hires. But not only that: she also deals with much more, as she explains below.
Can you tell us about your role at Inoxa and what you do?
At Inoxa I deal with many aspects. First of all, I manage human resources focusing on health and safety: I organize periodic medical exams, I manage both mandatory and non-mandatory training courses, I take care of more administrative issues and the preparation of data for the pay slips.
From a management control point of view, every day I check the data arriving from production loadings in real time for the assembly and packaging phases. At a later stage, I analyze, with the department heads, the production efficiencies of the staff and their relocation from one department to another.
I am also involved in the search and selection of new resources: I organize interviews, to which I take part together with the owner and, in case of hiring, I follow the entire documentary procedure.
Finally, I plan some particular transports in the case of full-loaded trucks.
Would you tell us how did you get here at Inoxa and what was your journey inside the company?
I started working at Inoxa in 2004 at the age of 26. I had decided to change environment because I felt undervalued: at the time I was in charge of the quality management system and personnel. Here at Inoxa I immediately joined the human resources dept but, from the beginning and for several years, I mainly followed production, as it was managed manually. Consequently, I was also responsible for controlling production loadings and efficiencies.
I also gave my contribution to the implementation of the automatic real-time production management system and this also allowed me to expand my knowledge and skills.
What does it mean to take care of people in a company like Inoxa? How can we make employees feel involved in the company life?
Taking care of people at Inoxa means knowing them thoroughly, also in order to motivate and lead them to achieving goals. For the company each employee is not a number, but is first and foremost a person and then a resource capable of bringing improvements through their skills; that’s why it is important to show that they are trusted. In this way we want to foster a working environment that is both productive and rewarding. -
What are the values that guide you in your work and that you share with the company?
The values that guide me every day at work and beyond are those of loyalty, transparency and fairness. Values that I also share with the company and that I apply in personnel management, in order to improve people’s satisfaction, enhance their skills and preserve their health and safety. -
What you like the most about our company is…
What I like about the company is that it is a meritocratic environment, in which employees are committed to continuous improvement and their value and contribution is recognized. -
How do you think the role of HR has changed over the years?
The pandemic has certainly radically transformed job prospects and, going forward, attracting the best talent will be increasingly difficult.
What are the skills that you consider a must for an Inoxa employee?
The availability and stubbornness in wanting to achieve the goas set within the established timimg in order to guarantee customer satisfaction, also through problem solving and customized design. -
Is there a feature that, despite the continuous innovations in Inoxa, always remains unchanged when it comes to people?
The human relationship with the employee is an essential feature that will always stay unchanged. -
What are 2024 main goals?
I believe that it is important to improve so that we can have an increasingly attractive organization towards both new customers and potential employees.